What Is Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever? Local Case Brings Awareness To Tick-Borne Illness

KJ Kelly thought all he had was a nasty case of the flu. “I felt pretty bad,” the Stamford resident recalled. “I was experiencing high fevers, like 104,” xhe said. After a few days of these symptoms in February, Kelly sought care at Stamford Hospital’s emergency department. He underwent in-depth physical examinations as doctors tried to … Read more

What Is The 30-30-30 Rule for Diet & Weight Management?

Over the past few months, there has been a weight-loss method trending on social media: The 30-30-30 rule. The “rule” is a set of behaviors intended to help someone lose weight. As a physical therapist who works with a lot of different patient populations, I hear about all kinds of exercise tips or tricks trending on TikTok … Read more

Our Crisis of Loneliness and Isolation

Loneliness and isolation – like diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease – represent an epidemic. You may know that May is Mental Health Awareness month, an opportune time to bring light to this crisis and how we can support ourselves, and each other. Earlier this spring, I gave the keynote address at the 2024 Women’s Conference, … Read more

What The New Guidance On Breast Cancer Screening Means For You

The USPSTF’s recent guidance aligns with that of most major health organizations by recommending that all women start breast screening at age 40. This is a welcome shift from its previous recommendation that women start screening at age 50. Still, it falls short by: •    Recommending that women aged 40 to 74 undergo breast cancer screening every … Read more